If you are reading this, I strongly believe you must have listened to a wide range of speeches in English: motivational, informative, persuasive and the like. There is also a great chance that you have read a good number of pieces of writing in English: journal, literary work, proposal, essay…you name it. You cannot deny the fact that some speakers and writers have wowed you as much as some have left you appalled. There is even a possibility you have tried to figure out what makes some writers and speakers of English leave you enthralled and some leave you bored to distraction. If you care to know, the most important thing that separates great writers and speakers of English from their inefficient counterparts is, without doubt, their respective command of the Use of English!
Am I getting you bored already? Even though your answer is a Yes, yet I will implore you to hang on a little while.
A voice in your head may at this point be screaming, “Everyone makes mistakes when speaking and writing.” Spot on! I just cannot agree less with that voice. But here is the caution; when the same mistake is repeated time and again it is no longer a mistake, it is called a HABIT.
“But English isn’t my native language, so why should I care!” that voice in your head is saying now. Well, have you ever heard the saying ‘what is worth doing is worth doing well’? That is the reason you should care about the manner you speak and write in English.
I will not discount the fact that some people’s bad habits in writing and speaking are not entirely their making; some people were wrongly taught while some picked up their wrong lines from what they have always read or heard. These people speak and write wrongly because they do not know what is right. But should their errors be overlooked simply because they are ignorant? My answer is yet another emphatic NO. And yes I know that is not fair from me. But life itself is not fair! Ignorance has never been a justifiable excuse for doing anything wrong.
But here is the good news; bad speaking and writing style, like all bad habits, can be unlearned. And this is what LEARN BROOK is all about. The essence of this blog is to help people learn to speak and write in English correctly.
LEARN BROOK will be about everything that makes for speaking and writing well in English: pronunciation, spelling, grammatical construction, punctuation, idioms and phrases, and more. Remember, writing and speaking in English appropriately can never go out of fashion, while poor speaking and writing skills have never been and will never be in vogue!
So, if your desire is to improve your knowledge of the Use of English, LEARN BROOK is the place to be. All you are going to need is that little effort it takes to visit this blog everyday. Make your visit here your daily tonic. Make it a ritual. There will always be something new to learn or unlearn on daily basis.
LEARN BROOK is born! Go spread the word...
LEARN BROOK is born! Go spread the word...
Once again, welcome aboard LEARN BROOK train!
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