Monday, October 12, 2015

'Have another thing coming' or 'Have another think coming'?

How many times have you heard someone scream, "You have another thing coming, if you think I'll take that from you!", to express his/her unwillingness to do something suggested by someone else? How many times have you shouted with a loud voice, "You've got another thing coming, if you think I'll believe you," to show your disagreement with someone's opinion? A lot of times? If your answer to the last question is a 'Yes', then you have always heard and said the English expression wrongly! 

Yes, it is wrong to say 'have (got) another thing coming'. The one thing wrong with the expression is 'thing' substituted for the right word 'think'. 

The correct expression should always read, 'have (got) another think coming'. 

So the next time you want to rebuke or tell anyone to have a rethink about an idea or suggestion, remember the correct expression is 'have (got) another think coming'! 


If you think you're going to marry my daughter, you have another think coming.

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